Green practices in school

School has adopted an integrated approach of following green practices. First is, establishing green practices in school management. This includes creating spaces for school greening and vermicomposting, minimizing usage of polluting chemicals, reduce use of resources, reuse, and recycle waste materials, uprooting invasive species, keeping bird feeder, bird bath at different places, maintaining biological diversity of school compound, abstain from killing snakes, using solar water heater, reduce energy use, reduce and reuse of paper, notebooks, and textbooks etc.

Second is, following green practices in school’s daily activities. This includes taking responsibility of cleaning the classrooms by teachers and students on regular basis, collecting and segregating waste, supervision by students ensuring care of greenery, use of organic foods produced in school kitchen garden for Mid Day Meal etc.

And third is, making green practices a part of teaching learning. This includes using waste materials for use in students projects, bringing environmental activism as teaching episodes, using waste collection and segregation as part of teaching the relevant chapters, doing gardening, vermicomposting, observing pollinating insects, their lifecycle, planting host plants for these insects, carrying out environment and energy audit, and include these activities while carrying out projects for National Children Science Congress and INSPIRE etc.

Conserving or taking care of environment help inculcate values and practices that would require to establish a just society. Human history witnessed a never ending conflict for resources. Green practices have potential to develop the values, disposition, and knowledge that will make a sustainable future.