Medium of instruction

Our take on medium of instruction derived from the research on language learning and role of language in students development. We firmly believe that, (a) language is not a mere tool of communication rather an integral component of knowledge construction, (b) students can learn more than one language comfortably, if language rich environment is given to them, (c) learning more than one language is advantageous for the learner, (d) there should be equal respect and value for all the languages, and (e) we should prepare students to become proficient in multiple languages.

We are proud of our linguistic diversity, a unique feature of our nation

Teachers mostly talk to the students in English and Hindi. The libraries contain books, periodicals, and magazines in both English and Hindi. We give priorities to students expressions and don’t penalize them for not speaking in English.

We also respect students mother tongue and allows them to express in whatever language they feel comfortable. We believe language holds a cultural repository and that’s why every language must be respected, preserved, and enriched.